For me Christmas means a really good thing because it is a happy moment. It also means for me that we get really good stuff for presents on Christmas day and we all get with all our family. This Christmas we ain't traveling because our family from Mexico is coming to Texas so we are going to spent Christmas here. We are planning to make a huge party with friends and family. We mostly in Christmas we make tamales, at ole, mole, bread, hot chocolate, and many more. We have a delicious dinner that day. We also celebrate Christmas eve. we also make good food. We have two party's in a row. For me those two days I have a really good day.My favorite part of Christmas is when we get our Santa Presents. We open them at the middle of the night because that's our tradition to open them.When I get to open my presents I get really excited. My family and I love to celebrate Christmas , Eve and Christmas Day.We all have a happy day . So that's how I would spent my Christmas break!