What we did last week is that we worked on flash and at the Mini Game Webex.What I thought about the Mini Game
Webex is that it was really fun and I would love to try it again because we all could learned new things and interesting facts about Mini Game Web ex. It was really cool how the lady that was showing us was controlling her computer all the way to here. I also think that it was really cool how we got to listen to the people from the globaloria and she told us all the steps of FLASH. Sp for me it was really cool to work in the MINI GAME WEBEX. I think that I did really good at my flash because I follow the steps and all of it worked out really good. When I was working on the FLASH I felt really good and that I was following really good the steps and the rules. I had a little problems, but still I think I did a really good job on FLASH and at the MINI WEBEX.