My thoughts about globaloria are that its fun and I like for Ms. Miller to teach us new things. I do enjoy that class because I always learn new things and I like how Ms. Miller is trying her best for us ti learn a lot of things about Globaloria .
What I have learned about globaloria is how to make a movie clip and a game in wiki . We also have learned about how to work on flash and how to create our own game. For example my team which its name is LOCO CINCO. We are working on a game right now. Our game name is Measure Madness is based on measuring stuff ,like for example in Level 1 is based on answering some questions about measuring. So all levels would be based on answering some problems about measuring. So that's what we are learning and I hope to learned many new stuff from globaloria.
I do like to blog because I like to type on computers and its fun for me to be doing or working on blog . I also like it because i LOVE using computers and It could help us by doing our learning log because if we don't remember what we did on a day maybe we have it written in our blog.
What we are currently working on is designing our mini game. Our team which is LOCO CINCO are working and trying our best on our mini game . We tryed our best for Ms. Miller to love our game. We are designing our paper prototype so we could know how is it going to look like. Our game title is Measure Madness and our game is about measuring thing and our goal is for everyone that plays our game to learned something new about measuring things. We all had to work a lot on this paper prototype we all worked like if it was our final draft. We really worked hard on this because we want it to be perfect and for everyone to love it and enjoy it. So that's what we are currently working on in globaloria.
What I look forward to learned in globaloria are many things that i don't know. I also like to learned how can you put you game in the Internet well we are going to learned that , but I am so excited to do that already and I do love to learned new things that I don't even have a clue how we create it or how to do that. I would like to learned many new things because I really like intersting things and excited work.
How our teams game ideas are coming up together is when we all get together like in a meeting and we discuss what are we doing with it. Our game ideas are coming up together by all of sharing our thoughts about what we want it to look like. So that's how we come up with our game ideas.
I am really excited about creating my first video game because ounce in my life I wondered how can people make a video game. So now that I have the opportunity to make one with my team I feel really happy and excited to finish my teams video game. So now that i am going to learned how to create one I won't have to wondered any more.
So that is why I LOVE GLOBALORIA so much.