Thursday, December 1, 2011

About My Topic

My topic is about Gang Violence.

This issue interest me because I would want one day for our world to make something for a change about gang violence.

I want people to learn how bad it is and hows effecting lives of young innocent children.

This issue needs to be addressed because a lot of teens are involved in gangs and it affects them , and not only them but their surroundings .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Game Idea

Who are you designing your game for?

I am designing this game for the kids of the ages of 10-15 .

What will your game teach the player about your topic?

My game will teach the player about gang violence by making him understand why gang violence is such and important effect. He or she will also learn some important facts about gang violence and what they should do to avoid it.

Where does your game happen?
My game is going to happen in different situations since its going to be focused on adventure. So the character is going to go to a lot of places.

How will this setting add to the learning experience?

The setting will add to the learning experience by making it more interesting and finding different facts about gang violence in each setting that they go to.

How does your game world teach the player about your topic?

My game world will help teach the player about my topic by making it exciting about learning about gang violence.

What happens in the world that helps the player learn?

What happens in the world that helps the player learn is that he or she has to go out and see whats going on and then he or she is going to try to figure out a way to change whats wrong. He or she will learn by experiencing how gang violence is really a problem in our lives.

How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?

The player is going to use what they learned by giving out sheets of facts to the people around and how to help make a change.

Why is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?

Is better than a quiz because you are actually having fun and learning interesting facts. By taking a quiz you have had to listen to a person just to remember important facts.

Monday, November 7, 2011

National Politics

This video that I just finished watching in my opinion it doesn't make sense because Herman Cain didn't even give a speech in the video. Which we would of expect him to talk not his partner. Also what was the message by the partner smoking? Isn't that a bad example? Well this video was just not helpful to pass the message of Herman Cain to become our next president for the United States.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What challenges do the penguins have to overcome?

The challenges that the penguins have to overcome is to stay a live without enough food. They also have to keep their egg warm and there are huge storms of cold air.

How does their habitat challenge their livelihood each day?

Their habitat challenges their livelihood everyday by them having to suffer hunger for months. Also they have to watch out for predators.

What type of adaptions do penguins need in order to survive brutal winters and predators?

The types of adaptions that the penguins need to get use to in order to survive is for them to not have food for a long time. Also they have to adapt the walking in the storms in order to be looking for food.

Why is the period of time in which there is practically no sunlight? How does this affect the climate?

There is no sunlight because they are in the Southern part of the planet. The planet is revolving and at some point the Northern is closer to the sun and the Southern is further. So there is no sunlight for a period of time.

How could climate change negatively impact the mating ritual of the Emperor Penguin?

If the climate change would occur in the poles the ice would melt and then the penguins could become extinct. The climate can get warmer and cause the ice to melt.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Game Review

What I learned about the genres and games that I was researching of is that every game has a unique style of creating. Each of the games has a different type of social issue that is focused on. Also the genre is different in each game because they focus it basically on the social issue that they are going to focus on. Every game has a unique creating. What I mean by this is that some of the games are more detailed.
When I would create my game I would like it to have the genre of puzzles or racing. This are the most genres that interested me the most. I would also like it to focus on endangered species. I would like to focus in this because this social issue interest me a lot and I want to learn more about them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:

I didn't really found a game that thought me a new skill.

2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:

There wasn't any game that thought me a new skill.

3. The game or games that I liked the best:

I didn't like any game because Im not into racing games

4. What happens in the game or games:

In one of the games that I played you just go from place to place to save something of the BP oil spill.

5. How you play the game or games:

You just have to beat the other car in order to get to the next place.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:


2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:

There wasn't a game that thought me a new existing social issue.

3. The game or games I liked the best:

4. What happens in the game or games:

You have to get as many DNA's as possible so you can get to the next level.

5. How you play the game or games:

You just have to move the little fish with the arrow keys and pass through the DNA to get points and pass the level.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Playing to learn, Genre: Puzzles/Mazes

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:

Bloxorz this game taught me to think before actually taking action of it.

2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:

I wasen't able to find a maze that thought me a new social issue.

3. The game or games I liked the best:

Soap Bubble

4. What happens in the game or games:

What happened in the game Soap Bubble was that you had to control the bubble and pass the maze.

5. How you play the game or games:

You have to use the arrow keys to be able to move the bubble. Avoid the obstacles because then it would pop the bubble.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playing to learn Genre: Adventure

1. The game or games that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject:

Super Chick Sisters

2. The game or games that taught me about a new or existing social issue:

Super Chick Sisters

3. The game or games I liked best:

Super Chick Sisters

4. What happens in the game or games:

What happens in he game is that your goal is to pass the level before other chicks get killed.

5. How you play the game or games:

You have to use he arrow keys to be able to move the chick and you have o pass the level to save some chicks. You have three lives throughout out the level and you have to avoid some craters.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Playing To Learn, Genre: Action

Game that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject:
Save The Animals

Game that taught me about a new or existing social issue:
Save the Animals

Game I liked best:
Save The Animals

What happens in the game:
Animals are covered in oil and you have to save them.

How do you play it:
You have to save and animal that has being cover with oil. Since a lot of animals died because they got cover in oil. You move with the arrow keys and you have to avoid running into the obstacles that can kill you.

This is the link of the game:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gamers Solve Scientific Problems

How did gamers use the computer game Foldit to solve the protein folding mystery?

Protein that can be used to eliminate the AIDS virus in humans because of their structure of models they created.

Who can particpate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit?

Technically this project is for anyone, the person could be with no background of solving puzzles or even know about the science that scientist use these days.

What can critical thinking do for science?
Well it depends on what they want to focus at for example the University of Washington solution has to be with people with a lot of critical thinking to make the project right.

If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?

I would like to cure cancer because many people die from it. Also people just got to live by medicine and I want to change that .

Monday, September 19, 2011

4 Mini Game 2011

Was it hard to make your mini game?

This time doing my mini game was easy because I already had done it and I had already a little of practice. But I still kind of had of struggles but I figure them out.

What was the best part of this topic?The worst?

The best part of this topic ill say was when I had everything done and ready to upload everything and finish with the assignment. I say this is the best part because I just couldn't wait to finish it.

From my point of view I would say that the worst part was when I got stuck in the code. The code just didn't want to work because I had missed a part and I was there struggling and getting mad. But then I asked a classmate and she help me fixed my mistake.

Friday, September 9, 2011

3 ''September 11 2001'' 2011

How old were you on September 11, 2001?
I was three years old when this terrible tragedy happen.
When did you first learn about the attacks and who explained the events to you?
I remember learning this when i was like in first grade well my teachers of kinder also talked about it but I mainly remember it from first grade.
What kind of impact did these attacks have on your life or your parents lives?
Well as far as I know my parents dont really worry about it now because Osama Bin Laden is dead already but they think that maybe something else terrible could happen since our people killed Osama Bin Laden.

What was the issue with this game?

The issue of this game for people to prevent the planes from crashing into the towers.

How do you feel about it?
Well if I was in a place where i lost a family member in 9/11 I would of not agree with the game because its just tasteful like the parents that lost someone said. Its true that why would someone make a game of a horrible tragedy to win money.

What is the problem with portraying on such an awful violent event through a video game?

I think whats its bad of this game is that many people take it like in a mean way because they actually lost someone in 9/11.

Monday, August 29, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

" Danger Of A Single Story"

What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
It means when someone judges something over what they have heard and judge them over what the people say.
Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
People say that the schools in East Austin have a very low performance because a lot of kids drop out of school. We are in the news a lot and people think this is a bad place and that there's mainly only Mexicans and African Americans. What We could change about this is that we can show them that East Austin is not the way they think it is.
Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
Another story is that in the news it came up that there was more white people in the East Austin. What they mean about this that in the East Austin only Mexicans , African Americans and few white people. So they are saying that more white people are coming to live in the East Austin. The way that you can find out more about the community is by visiting the East Austin and experience how it really is. Oh and I learned this story in the news.

How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?
A game can experience many stories about a community by actually showing how the community really is and how much education we get in the East Austin schools.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2 Cyberullying 2011

How does the main character feels about clicksters at the beggining of the film?

Taylor didnt care at all at the beggining of the film.

How is her family situation?

Taylor's parents are divorce, her mom is really protective and she dosent like thay and she dosent get along with her brother.

What types of frienship does she have?

Taylor thinks she has really good friends that wont let her down but as time goes on with the cyberbullying her friends dont want to be her friends anymore because they thought because of Taylor the cyberbullies would do the same things to them.

When does the cyberbullying begin?

The cyberbullying begins when Taylor gets an account for clicksters and then Lindsey (a bully) started calling her names through the internet.

What is the rest of the cyberbullying?

The bullies continue bullying Taylor and started going evan further they said that Taylor slept with a guy and that she was a sl*** and other ugly names.

What would you do if you do if you where in Taylor's shoes?

What i would of done is shut down my account and tell a trusted adult.

How does Taylor react to the mean comments people keep posting about her?

She felt really sad that she wanted to kill herself.

Does she ever try to stop the cyberbullying?

She dosent really try to stop it because she just was afraid to say something.

How do you think Taylor felt aout her best friend betraying her?

In my opinion i think Taylor felt really sad and like couldnt believe that her best friend did that to her.

What kind of changes does Taylor experiences through the film?

That its not good to ignore the mean comments that people are saying about her.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1 Cyperbullying 2011

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year.

What is a cyberbully?
A cyperbully is a anyone that bullys you through the Internet or text message.

What are the different times of cyperbullying?
The different types of cyperbullying are:

  • Gossip

  • Impersonate

  • Exclude

  • Threaten

What should you do if your being cyperbullied?

I should let a trusted adult know whats going on and even delete that person from your account.

What are some reason people cyperbully others?
I think some of the reasons are because they are better than them so they are jealous at them. Another reason maybe because they think its fun to do it. Another thing is that they are cyperbullying someone because they have learned from someone that has done the something to them.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Diana A 13 2011

What is your team name?
Naturalmente Naturales

What is the name of your game?

What is it about?
Our game is about endangered species.

What scenes have you completed?
We have completed all the scenes that we had to do.

What parts of your team page are completed?
Every single part of my team page is completed.

How much more work do you need to complete?
I just have to make my game be playable.

What can you do from now until Friday to get everything finshed and turned in?
I can concentrate a lot in my game in ignore everyone or everything that distracts me.

What grade would you give yourself in Globaloria overall?
The grade that I would give to my group is an 80 because we did a lot of work and we tryed our best.

What are all of the things you have learned this year?
Well I have learned plenty of new things for example I have learned to know more about flash and how it works.

What are you proud of in Globaloria?
What Im proud in globaloria is that my group and I have accomplish a lot of stuff.

How can you improve next year?
The way that I can improve next year is by pay even more attention and stop playing around with people.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Diana A 12 2011

I was looking over in a very interesting website. (The website is What I did in this page is played a game about stoping bullying in schools. What this game is trying to teach us is that bullying need to stop because it hurts a lot of people and its not cool for someone to be hurting other innocint people. What I like about this website is that it has a lot of cool things that maybe kids like us dont even know about. What I also liked about it is that the games that they have in this website gave us an example on how our games should look. On how we should create something like this to focus on a certain thing like the games in this website. This is a really interesting website you should visit one day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Diana A 11 2011

Nintendo 3DS

This new creation of this game systems is based on a Nintendo but you are able to see it in 3D. There is no need for special glasses to be able to see it as 3D which I think is a really creative. Being able to see this video game as 3D is really awesome. I think that the people that worked on this new system had to be in advanced technology because I think it must of take a lot of effort in order to be able to create something like this. The price of the Nintendo 3DS is $249.99. I think this is a great price because the creators took a lot of effort using their technology to come up with something new. The people that created this new system had to experience first 3D technology in order to come up with an idea on how the Nintendo 3DS will be able to work. In my opinion I think that this new creation has change our world in using more advanced technology. I think this because this is the first game system that people have created in 3D. I also think that this new system will encourage other game system companies to be more creative by using more technology.

Picture From:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Diana A 10 2011

I will certainly love to sell my game. What I will do in order to inform the world about my game is that I will go on talk shows, Internet and radio commercials. I will like to tell them on how awesome my game would be and I will describe it like we do here at school. In order for them to get a more specifically idea on what my game is about. I will certainly add a celerity but I'm not really sure which celebrity I will add to my game.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Diana A 9 2011


What I think about this students in Massachusetts is that they are being really supportive by helping the people that end up with everything ruin that they had. By the support that they are giving them it helps the people be more protected by the support. In my opinion I think that all the schools should do something like to be supportive like the students in Massachusetts. The help that they are giving them is showing that they really care about the people that have been trough a tsunami. I will like to be included in a school like the one they have for me to be supportive for people that ended up with anything. I will help by donating them food, clothes, and other necessary in order for them to survive. I really enjoy been supportive so I would certainly want to help.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Diana A 8 2011


What I think about this new touch screen PSP is that is a really creative for it to have also the back to be as touch. I think this idea was a creative idea for someone to create. It takes a lot of technology to create something as creative as the PSP NGP but its possible to create even better stuff but you got to focus a lot on technology. Which its a really good thing. Also it has internet included and a camara which is even awesomer and it is also use as a phone. But in my opinion this was a really creative psp.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Diana A 7 2011

Mad Hot Ballroom

What does the word "teamwork" means to you?
What the word teamwork means to me is when some people work together and they help you when they are helping you too.

This documentary takes place in New York city public schools in 1994 and was introduced to 5th graders. Today 6,000 kids from over 6o schools are required to take this 10-week course. There are a few schools that compete on a dance competition. They dance and practice before the dance witch is 8 weeks away.

How do you see these students trying to work together?
They support each other and they don't say anything like they don't want to dance with the boys or the girls. They just enjoy practicing with each other without saying things and complaining because they don't want to be with the partner that they were assigned to dance with. They do a lot of teamwork to support everyone without saying complaining.

How important was teamwork for these students?
Teamwork was really important to this students because they had to work together in order to to get where their goal is. They work together really hard to get to the finals and to achieve what they really want.

What do you think is the main message that these students should take away from this experience?
To prove that anyone can be something in the world and that anyone can achieve their goals.

How will you work together with your teammates in Globaloria?
The way that I would work in a team with my fellow students is by working together and helping each other on what we need help with. We would support each other more then we do. This will help because we are having more help and we would work harder because we understand things better by the support that we had by our fellow students.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diana A 6 2011

Math Man:

I liked to play this game because at the same time that you are having fun you are also learning. What this game wants you to learn is how to add, subtract, multiply and divide in your mind without doing work. This is pretty challenging but with the most practice you will get better at it. So this game is trying to make you learn and prove more in your math skills. So I really enjoy this game... When I first played it I was really off because I am so used to always use paper to get the answer. I never knew that it was important for you to solve an equation so now I need to practice more doing it in my mind. So this is what I pretty much learn in Math Man.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

J. Lo Fur Bully on the Block:

This game was a really amazing... What you had to do in this game is to save all the animals before they get their fur. You had toi prevent the evil girl because if she gets you its game over...But this game is creative and gave me an idea on how I will like for my game to be like.

Super Chick Sisters:

This game was my favorite from both the games that I played today...What you had to do in this game you have to save the princess from the hands of Ronald Mcdonald.In my opinion I really think this games are creative in order to save the animals and I think this are games for exmples of how to save our animals.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diana A 4 2011


At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?

He is going to California.

What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?

He is like that because he has been traumatized of his sister's death.

Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?

They are buildings of images.

Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?

I think this is because maybe it helps him forget a llittle bit of his twin sister, its like a distraction for him.

What makes him such an awesome video game player?

What I think what makes him and awesome video game player is that its a distraction and makes him excited to beat the record.

What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before?
Double Dragon, Mario 2, Street Fighter, Ninja Gideon, F-1 Dream, Rad Racer, Megamen and Super Mario

How many different game systems do you see in the film?

Arcade and Ninitendo

What did you think about the Power Glove?

What I think about the power glove is that is really cool. I think its awesome on how it is control instead of having a regular control.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Diana A 2 2011

Crayon Physics

I really liked this game because its so amazing on the way that they created it. I never imagine that something like this game will be created. This is my first time seeing one of this game and I already think this game is amazing. I will also like for my game to also have ideas like the Crayon Physics game. I think this has been created with a lot of effort in order to make it this creative and awesome. But I would like to ave ideas like this in order to make my game really awesome like Crayon Physics which I consider it as a great example for me to get ideas from.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Diana A 1 2011

Google Science Fair

What do you think about Google boasting an international Science Fair?
What I think about this science fair is that is really amazing for kids to attend it. By the kids all over the world attending this my help them know on how many skills they have in science fairs and also help them achieve on what they need to work more. But I think this science fair is really cool and awesome for kids like us to attend it .

Can you see yourself entering this contest?
I can see myself been up there and achieving my goals and getting what I want. Seeing myself been up there makes me feel to want to enter this competition with kids all over the world and having myself see how many skills I have.

You will be connecting against students from all over the world. How exciting will that be, not to mention the opportunity to share ideas with people from other countries?
the way that I feel when I will be competing with people all over the world is nervous, excited and proud of myself. I will feel proud because I had tryed and have got gone to a very interesting place and I will be proud of how far I got to because I had try my best.

What ideas do you have for this type of project? For instance would you focus on Life science. chemistry, physical science, engineering, architecture, robotics, food sciences, text tiles, materials...etc. The possibilities are endless!
My ideas for this type of project is to work on robotics. I am interesting in robotics because I like building things and creating them myself. What I would do is an awesome robot to help with something. I am not pretty sure what the robot will help on but I am sure that my robot will be totally cool. If I enter this science fair I decided to built a robot because I know that I have some skill on creating things by myself.