Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Diana A 14 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Diana A 13 2010
Part 4: Strange Days on Planet Earth
- Over 70% of earth is cover by water
- The Pacific ocean account over half of that
- The amount of CO2 is rising
- When the waters are warmer the water temperature falls
- This temperatures have been there for a long time
- We may have trouble finding living things in this waters
- Some animals are moving a way
- The crab's heart stop beating when they raised the water temperature two degrees warmer
- What we put on the environment affects everyone else and what they put on the environment affects us
- Dust moves from place to place
- The disease that affect the coral fans was found on the dust
- In the Indian Ocean the temperatures are rising really fast
- Our world is getting warmer and will continue
- If we start reducing the amount of energy we use it will make a huge change
Part 5: Strange Days on Planet Earth
- A valley is been transformed by a flood
- In a flood the animals will die because they will starve
- They are saving them one by one
- Lake Guri and many more islands are man made
- Every time the scientist visit they see big changes
- Only the toughest plants survive
- Predators are dangerous
- Hydrologist discover something wrong with the Lamar River
- The vegetation is totally gone
- How can a forest disappear with the protections of the wild
- Some trees thrive after the wildfire
- The wolfs impact start with their kill
- Wolfs have a large impact
Part 6: Strange Days on Planet Earth
- Frogs have male and female parts
- There are more than 20 species of frogs
- Most of the frogs that are raise in pure water are healthy
- The whales are also in trouble
- Dozens of chemicals have been found in their body
- The chemical effects have been checked one by one
- If the farm chemicals were the cause they would of notice the difference
- We can inhale chemicals and observe them throughout or skin
- Thousands of hand man made chemicals are found on the food we eat
- They are cleaning up all kinds of pollutants
- There's not a reason why can our Earth be ten times cleaner
- Scientist have an explanation why outbreaks are form
- They want to know where does the nitrogen ends
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Diana A 13 2010
Strange Days on Planet Earth
- They are assembling a new picture of Earth
- Researches are finding animals and plants where they don't belong
- Alien species have enormous powers
- They are trying to figure out what cause the plants to be where they don't belong
- The economy of the environment is always there
- Termites can destroy a house
- Aliens are building up new colonies
- They share the food
- Invaders could have the power to enter our body
- Crocodiles attacks are increasing
Part 2:Strange Days on Planet Earth
- One predator dominates the water
- Water snails put their eggs on weeds
- They release weevils in order to help and it was a miracle that it was working
- Erosion is already a mess on Hawaii
- Plants can fight for resources
- They can map where the infestations are
Part 3: Strange Days on Planet Earth
- From time to time a lucky specie will survive
- Eventually almost everything would most likely move everywhere
- Species with out orders means much more less species
- As the species move faster and faster the scientist already imagine how our lives would be
- An entire population is decreasing on the North
- Biologist can conduct the head count
- The climate is changing so fast
- Without them we are not going to be here
- They found valleys that where dried
- Rising temperatures bring more snow
- The average temperature will raise more than it already has
Monday, November 1, 2010
Diana A 12 2010
This movie tells you that we are not making a change in our world and that we are also destroying it more and more each minute. It is also showing us that if we don't make a change now is going to affect people from the future. Then they are going to blame us for affecting everything they had in order to be able to survive. For example the glaciers are melting down more and more each day. An interesting fact that I learned from this movie is that the company shell discovered this land which was really rich in petroleum. So they just took over it and did not left nothing for the people that lived there. What I also think was an interesting fact is that people steal things from other places but don't do anything to help our world.Why I think this movie is called The Age of Stupid is because we know that we really have to do a change for our world not to end and we just don't act up fast so the future can be better than its going to be.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Diana A 11 2010
This website pages will help me with my research because it gives me information about my topic. My topic is about what effects do global warming cause for the glaciers to melt down.
I will like to focus on this topic because we really have to make a change about melting glaciers. A glacier melt every second and makes one less glacier in our world. The melting of glaciers doesn't only affect us but it also affects animals that live around there. This is why I will really like to focus on glaciers.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Diana A 10, 2010
The PEW Charatible trust . 1996-2010
Found on October 11 2010
Source 2
Global 2004-2010
Found on October 12 2010
Source 3
A Center for a New American Security 2007-2010
Found on October 12 2010
Source 4
See-the-Sea 1990-2010
Found on October 12 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Diana A 9 2010
- Author.Title of Website.Web address of URL.Copyright date.Date you found the information.
ThinkQuest: Explorers of the Millenium Found October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Diana A 8 2010
These are some interesting facts about coral reefs:
- Coral reefs have been stronger and stronger for 50 million of years
- They are made from tiny, tiny creatures
- They protect all tropical coast
- Reefs feed us
- 300 million people rely on reefs
- They stretch really big (like about 6 million feet)
- Ocean warming is a major coater its dead
- Coral reefs are extract for their nutrients and use it to repair our bones
- This has been protected for 2 decades
- Over fishing destroys reefs
- Fish protect coral reefs and reefs give them homes
- Reefs are also damage by ocean warming
- The ocean is two degrees warmer then it usually is
- In French Polynesia the coral reefs are small but healthy
So I hope you can make a change for these damage things. What I will do is tell my family about the video and tell them something that we could do in order to help the coral reefs.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Diana A 7 2010
This are some of the notes I took in the video: Planet Earth the Future
How I feel about this is by already wanting to make a change in the wild lives.I don't want people to kill the animals and for the animals to be extinct. If they are in endangered we have to make a change right now before it s to late.Poaching people are causing our species to be endangered.
· Conservation is to help preserve, to safe
· When something is done is the right approach
· They believe that the world wild lives is in dangerous
· Land quickly shrinks
· Save humanity from saving it all
· The leopard may be extinct
· Earth is the only planet to support life
· If we continue to lose loads and loads of animals we will have a huge problem
· Fogs are becoming extinct
· The golden toad is extinct
· Doing experiments in frogs is affecting a lot
· People kill elephant for their ivory
· People are poaching a lot in wild lives
· Many animals endangered
· Animals live where they are safe from been endangered
· Polar Bears have to attack in order to eat
· Polar bears have to move where there’s food and have to adapt to the climate
· We are trying to convince people to help us save the wild lives put some people reject · Who decides which one to safe first?
· To safe on typically means to safe all of them
· They have guards in order to save the animals and they also get pay every single time they are working for us to safe our creatures
· Because of habitat loss and poaching their only 12 Amour left
· They think we should populate another planet in order to do something
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Diana A 6 2010
I am really interesting in care because I have seen and heard in the news how a lot of people and children die because they don't have money to pay to be cure. Care means a lot to me because I know how people just suffer all their lives until they die.
child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse is one of the top social issues to me because children suffer all their lives and especially girls. Girls suffer even more because girls can get pregnant. So they really have to take care of their children and can't focus a lot on school like they use to. So we have to make a change about this because it ruins girls lives and they can't have better futures like they where planning to.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Diana A 5 2010
These are some game topic websites that I found on
I will begin researching different topics on this directory to help me come up with more game ideas that I would like to focus on.
This are some Social and Political Issues that I am the most interesting on...
I am interested in care because I have seen people suffer a lot and they can't do nothing about it because of money.
I am interested in this link because teenagers and younger kids can make a change in our community too. I also like this because some people think because we are young we can't make a huge change in our world.
I am also interested in this because we really have to do something in our world and everyone can do at least a small change in our world.
I would like my social issue to be save the children for people to learn that this helps children and mothers to access to education,health care and economic opportunities.
These are some Social Issues that I am the most interesting that are from the wiki page...
teen problem
Teen problem is a interesting social issue because many teens get pregnate like at the age of 13 and this is a huge problem to everybody.
For me drugs is a really good social issue because many teens think that drugs make them feel better but it dosen't so they need to understand that it affects their body a lot.
child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse is happening all over the world so we all have to make a change about this.
Hunger is another thing that people suffer a lot for. We could all change this by heloing them getting a job in order for them to not suffer like they use to. Also a lot of people die of hunger.
This are the things that I will like to focus the more to give me ideas of what I will like my game to be like.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Diana A. 4. 2016
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Diana A. 3, 2010
- What are your thoughts about the documentary? What my thoughts are about the documentary are that it was really interesting and it was cool how they show us pictures of the effects and of what they explain to us.
- What do you think about Global Warming? What I think about global warming is that it is really affecting the planet, animals and even us.
- How does the information you heard made you feel? The way that the information made me feel was like I really want to make a change for us not to destroy our own planet.
- What can we do to prevent ultimate destruction? What we could do to prevent ultimate destruction is by passing information around the world for everyone to stop destroying our planet and making our world better.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
One Of My Favorite Science Game Is...
It was my favorite because I love to learn about forces and this game is about my favorite thing to learn about. The game is cool because u get to do a force with an archery and the player can test his skill on archery. Archery was a good thing to do in the game because when you use archery you use force by streching the string back to aimed the archery bow on the correct space by using force. What I mean is for the bow to adjust the force and the angle of the shot.So this is the reason why I like this game. What I learned about this game is a way we use force.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
LAST SIX WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!
I liked how we did our game skeletons and we put a lot of effort in our files because we really wanted to get to the finals. Sense we put a lot of effort in everything we made it to the finals!!!!! I wish we get first place but if we don't at least I want to get second place. Wish me luck!!!!!
The other thing that I really enjoy doing this year in Technology is blog. I really like to blog because I like to type on the computer because i like getting better and better at things. I really like writing about things especially about my feelings.
So this is what I really enjoy doing in technology. This are my favorite things to do!!!!!!!!!!!....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
First of all for me flash is really fun because its cool how we make and learn new things at a the same time. It is also fun because I like how it turns out to be a movie clip. It is also cool because I like to draw things in flash and they turn out to be cool things. I like it the way flash is this days because I like to find out by myself how to do this and that.How I find out to do new things is by messing with all the buttons that are in flash and thats the way I have fun doing things in flash buy just messing with the buttons.
For me flash is also hard because we have to follow the instructions and sometimes I have trouble not knowing the names of all the buttons.What I mean is that sometimes I get confuse about what the instructions mean because they have long words and sometimes I really get frustated becasuse I just don't know what to do. So this are all the things I think about and flash is both fun and hard at the same time.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Viset of Shannon Sullivan

This is Shannon Sullivan
Monday, March 8, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

At school we are all excited because there's snow and it even better Ms, Miller let us go outside to play a little while with the snow. I am so exited that I want to go home and play with the snow. Finally it snows in TEXAS it has been like 4 years that it doesn't snow !!!!! WOW I feel like yelling so loud cuz i am so excited!!!! Finally SNOW!!! I love that finally Texas snow wow!!! I am so excited that right now it snowing more and more its so awesome and cool that it is staying in the ground so now i want to go home and enjoy the snow WOW AGAIN!!!!! SO COOL SO AWESOME THAT IT SNOW IN TEXAS WOW!!!!! We all want to go outside and play with snow i am super excited , but this is not my first time looking at snow ,but in TEXAS I don't think people in other countries won't believed it's snowing in TEXAS!!!!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......
Monday, February 22, 2010
Team Mates
What it was to re-present our game for me is that we had another great opportunity about doing our game even more perfect because Ms. Miller tolled us what we needed to add more to our game. So she gave us one more day to fix our game and all of it turned out good. For me to re-present our game was a really good idea and i loved it . So now that Ms. Miller tell us what to add to our game and it really worked and that now I am not that confused like I was at the first presentation.
One of my frustrations was that we had to re-do it a lot of times and that it had to have all the instructions that Ms. Miller told us to make it perfect, but now I understand why she wants it perfect. So this is what sometimes i had trouble with it.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010