Flash is really fun for me and i don't really find anything difficult because i just follow simple instructions . Sometimes working in flash is difficult for me because i don't really know all the buttons that are in flash. So i have to look for the button that it asked us to use for and sometimes it takes me a long time to look for it. But I hopefully find it by my self and at the same time a learned were are a new button that i never knew about it.
Well when we work in flash we worked as a class so i don't really know what to change to make it more comfortable Because Ms. Miller also is doing one with us and at the same time that we are doing it we pause on flash and we watch the video then we go back at flash and we do the step that we just saw on the video. So how Ms. Miller is doing it just on this times is just fine for me.
Why i think is so important to remembered the coding process in flash is because you won't have the same result like you had to and we really have to pay attention to it because we could do a different coding. So this is why i think it is important to remembered the coding process in flash.
I don't think flash is hard because right know Ms.Miller is doing all the steps with us. What i would of do to become an export in flash is to always pay attention to the instructions and to listen really well to the instructions. So this is how i think everybody could become an export at flash just by doing all of this simple steps that i think is the correct way.
When i am working in flash i don't get really get distracted really easy and if i do i just ignore what other people do and i continue doing my worked in flash. What i think a good change for everybody to not get distracted is to just be quiet and follow Ms. Miller's instructions.
The video tutorials that we all watch are really helpful because they teach us and show us the exact steps that we have to do in what we are doing in flash. They are also helpful because we learned new things and how to do drawings, adding navigation,etc.So this are my ways how it is helpful for me.
Some ways for me to better understand flash is to watch the video several times to really understand how to do it. Also if Ms. Miller could also explain it with her own words and that's how i could understand flash better.
How i feel about flash is that it is really cool and that we learned new things. What flash could help me in the future is that i could make a choice of helping others with flash and be an export on it. Also if somebody needs help when i am like in tenth grade i could help them by remembering what Ms. Miller teach us. So this is how i feel about flash.
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