Friday, February 3, 2012

Objects in the sky

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game.

I could take this real life event and create a game about it by making by game focus on science about the planets , meteors and scientific things like that .

What genre would you focus on?

I would focus on action , or puzzle and maze .

What skill or topic would your game teach?

The skill or topic that my game would teach is about the planets , meteors and objects that can fall down into our earth .

What would the player have to do in the game?

The player would have to learn facts about the planets and he or she would have to pass a level having to do with planets in outer space .

What would the hero of your game look like? The enemy? 

I don't think i would have a hero nor an enemy , i would just make the levels more difficult . Well probably i would have some objects be the enemy .

What type of animations or sounds would the player see and hear?

The type of animations and sound the player would hear and see is the movement of the player moving , and the rotation of the planets , and the sound would be just like if there was an alien coming , an outer space sound .

What would be the title of your game?

The title of my game could be '' Falling planets '' .

Draw me a simple title screen in Flash of your game and embed it in the blog post. Remember you can use "Blogging Tips" in the Wiki to retrieved the embed code you will need  . Diana Aguirre created  this scene in flash !

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